Thickness Test

Thickness testing is an important test for evaluating the durability and performance of corrugated cardboard packaging. This test is used to determine the suitability of the thickness of corrugated cardboard at each stage of the production process and in the final product.

The thickness of corrugated board is determined by measuring the distance between the top sheet and the bottom sheet. This provides important information on what type of paperboard it is, how much load it can carry and what types of products it is suitable for packaging.

Thickness testing is also used to determine whether production lines are producing corrugated board of the correct thickness. If corrugated cardboard is produced below or above the specified thickness, the durability and performance of this product can be adversely affected.

Thickness testing is an important part of the quality control of corrugated packaging and is used to provide customers with reliable and quality packaging products. This test helps determine the durability of the packaging and its ability to protect during transportation, ultimately increasing customer satisfaction.


Bursting Strength Test (BST)

The blast strength test (BST or Mullen test) is a test method used to assess the durability and ability to protect corrugated cardboard packaging. This test measures how well the paperboard withstands an impact applied to its inner or outer surface. The bursting strength of the cardboard sheet is expressed as a unit force per unit area (psi – pounds per square inch).

During the test, a piston-like device is placed on the corrugated cardboard board and pressure is applied to it. As the pressure increases, the strength of the cardboard sheet is tested. The test determines how much pressure the corrugated board can withstand.

The blast strength test is especially important for companies that transport materials in different shapes. Because the ability of the packaging to protect the products it contains against impacts, pressures and external factors is critical for the safety of the products during transportation and storage. By assessing the durability of paperboard packaging, this test helps to prevent damage or loss of products.

For manufacturers and users of paperboard packaging, the results of the bursting strength test provide an important reference point to determine the quality and performance of the packaging. In this way, more reliable and durable packaging solutions can be offered to customers.


Edge Crush Test (ECT)

The Edge Crush Test (ECT) is a test method used to measure the durability of the edges of corrugated cardboard packaging. This test is performed to assess how durable the side surfaces of the paperboard package are. During the test, the paperboard is placed in an upright position and a pressure is applied to the top while the bottom is supported. This pressure causes the sides of the carton to collapse.

The value obtained as a result of the test indicates the load that the edges of the paperboard package can bear and is typically expressed in “lbs/in” (pounds per inch). For example, ECT 32 indicates that the edge crush strength test result can withstand a pressure of 32 pounds (lbs).

The edge crush strength test is important for determining the strength and load-bearing capacity of the edges of a paperboard package. These test results provide an important reference point for stacking packaging securely, protecting it during transportation and ensuring the safe handling of products.

The edge crush strength of cardboard packaging is a critical factor in maintaining the strength of the packaging, especially during transportation of stacked or stacked products. Manufacturers and users therefore rely on edge crush strength test results to assess this property of packaging.


Flat Crush Test (FCT)

The horizontal crush strength test (FCT – Flat Crush Test) is a test method used to measure the impact absorption strength of the horizontal surfaces of corrugated board. This test is performed to evaluate how durable the planar surfaces of the paperboard are. During the test, a specific pressure is applied to the horizontal surface of the paperboard and this pressure is used to measure how much impact the horizontal surface of the paperboard absorbs.

FCT test results, typically expressed in “kPa” (kilopascal), indicate the impact absorption capacity of the horizontal surface of the paperboard. This value determines how strong the flat surfaces of the paperboard are and their resistance to external influences.

The horizontal crush strength test is used in particular to determine how the surfaces at the bottom of paperboard packages absorb the weight of the products and how they absorb impacts. This test is important for assessing the durability of the flat surfaces of packaging and their ability to protect during transportation and stacking.

FCT test results can be an important factor in packaging design and selection. During the transportation and storage of products, the durability of the flat surfaces of paperboard packaging helps to protect products safely. For this reason, manufacturers and users of paperboard packaging rely on FCT test results and select their packaging based on these test results.


Peel Adhesion Test (PAT)

The Peel Adhesion Test (PAT) is a test method that measures the adhesion strength of materials such as flat layers and corrugated cardboard to each other. This test is used to assess how firmly adhesive tape or adhesive materials adhere to cardboard or other surfaces.

During the test, the adhesive tape or material is pulled away from the paperboard or other surface at a given speed and angle. During this pulling process, it is measured how much resistance the adhesive material offers and how strong the adhesion is. The results represent the adhesion strength of the adhesive material.

Adhesion strength testing is used especially in the packaging industry to determine how well adhesive tapes and adhesive coatings adhere to boxes, packaging or other surfaces. This is important to ensure that the adhesive material stays in place during transportation and storage of the packaging.

In addition, the adhesion strength test can also be used as part of quality control during the production process of adhesive materials. This test is performed to assess the conformity of adhesive tapes or coatings to certain standards.

The adhesion strength test results can be used to assess whether adhesive tapes or coatings are suitable for a particular application and to make design changes to improve the durability of the packaging.


Ring Crush Test (RCT)

The ring crush test (RCT) is a test method that evaluates the crush strength of the paper from which the outer surface of corrugated cardboard is made. This test is important for determining the durability of the paper used in corrugated cardboard production.

During the test, the paper taken as a sample is placed in the tester in a circle. The minimum force required to crush the paper is then applied. The maximum force applied so that the paper is not crushed is recorded. This value represents the annular crush strength of the paper and is usually expressed in kN/m (kilonewton per square meter).

The annular crush test is used to increase the durability and determine the quality of corrugated board. These test results guide manufacturers in evaluating and improving the performance of corrugated board products. This test method is also used to check the quality of paper used in the packaging industry.

The results of the annular crush test are important for determining which type of packaging applications corrugated board is more suitable for and for assessing the conformity of corrugated board products to certain standards. This test can also help to make design changes to improve the durability of packaging and ensure safe transportation of products.


Column Crush Test (CCT)

The vertical crush test (CCT – Corrugated Crush Test) is a test method that measures the vertical strength of the paper to be used in the corrugated corrugated board. This test is used to determine the vertical strength of corrugated paper, which is an important factor affecting the durability and performance of the paperboard.

During the test, the corrugated paper taken as a sample is first heated in the laboratory. It is then formed into corrugated paper using a corrugator. The corrugated paper sample is placed vertically in the test machine. With a force applied from above, the maximum force that the corrugated paper can withstand being crushed is measured. This value is usually expressed in kN/m (kilonewton/square meter).

The results of the vertical crush test are used to determine the quality and durability of corrugated paper. This test method is important to predict how corrugated paper will perform in paperboard products and to optimize product design. It is also used to evaluate how corrugated board will behave in specific applications.

Vertical crush test results are used to improve design and manufacturing processes to increase the durability of corrugated board products, improve their quality and ensure compliance with certain standards.


Concora Medium Test (CMT)

The surface crush test (CMT – Concora Medium Test) is a test method that evaluates the hardness and durability of the surface of corrugated paper. Unlike the CCT test, during this test the corrugated paper is placed horizontally, rather than vertically, in the testing machine. The purpose of the surface crush test is to determine the optimum point for the hardness of the surface of the paperboard.

During this test, at least six pieces of corrugated paper are used and tests are performed for each of them separately. During the test, the corrugated paper specimen is subjected to a certain pressure and its capacity to withstand this pressure is measured. The test results determine the surface crush values of the specimens.

The purpose of the surface crush test is to optimize the stiffness and durability of corrugated paper and to improve the quality of paperboard products. Corrugated paper with a CMT value that is too high can lead to problems such as difficulties in corrugation formation and cracking of paperboard products. On the other hand, paper with a CMT value that is too low can cause problems such as easy tearing or rapid crushing during machine traction. Therefore, the optimum CMT value should be at a level that best balances the quality and performance of the corrugated paper.

Surface crush testing is an important tool for improving the design and manufacturing processes of paperboard products, improving quality and ensuring compliance with specific industry standards.


Tensile Strength Test

The tensile rupture strength test is a test method used to measure the tensile strength of paper. During this test, strips of paper are cut, usually 15mm wide and 100mm long. These strips are placed in the testing machine and pulled left and right to record the force at the point of rupture. This force is used to determine the tensile strength of the paper.

The tensile tensile strength test is important for evaluating the paper’s tensile strength and breaking point. This test is used to measure the durability and bearing capacity of the paper. The tensile breaking strength of paper can be different for different paper types and thicknesses. Therefore, this test is used to determine how suitable a particular paper type or product is for a particular application.

Tensile tensile strength test results are used to optimize paper design and manufacturing processes, improve quality and ensure compliance with specific industry standards. It is also an important quality control tool used to assess the durability and performance of paper products.


Short Intermittent Crush Test (SCT)

The short interval crush test (SCT) is a test method used to measure the compressive strength of paper. During this test, cut paper specimens with specific dimensions are used. These specimens are compressed or pressed in the test machine in a certain way. During this compression or compression, the strength of the paper is measured and the results are expressed in kN/m (kilonewton per square meter).

The short-interval crush test is important for determining the compression strength and compressive strength of paper. This test is particularly used in the packaging industry and during the design of paper products. It is used to assess the durability and protective capacity of paper packaging, boxes and other products during transportation.

SCT results help determine the compressive strength of a particular paper type or product. This is important for assessing how suitable the paper is for a particular application or use. It is also used in quality control processes to ensure the durability and integrity of products’ packaging during transportation.


Moisture and Humidity Test

Moisture and moisture testing is an important method of analysis used to determine the amount of water a material contains. This test plays a critical role, especially in the production and storage of materials such as paper and cardboard. Below I explain in more detail the importance of moisture and humidity testing and how it is applied:

What is moisture and humidity testing?

Moisture refers to the amount of water contained in a material. Moisture level is a critical factor, especially in raw materials used in the production of paper, cardboard and packaging materials. High humidity can adversely affect the processability, print quality and durability of these materials. At the same time, low humidity can cause the material to dry out and form cracks.

How is moisture and humidity testing performed?

The moisture and humidity test is performed by measuring the initial and subsequent weight of the material. Below I explain how it is done step by step:

  1. Sample Collection: Representative samples are taken for the test. These samples should be taken from different areas and levels of the material, as the moisture content may not be homogeneous.
  2. Sample Weighing: Each sample is weighed using a precision weighing device and the initial weight is determined.
  3. Drying Process: Samples are dried in a specialized oven at a specific temperature (usually 105 degrees Celsius) for a period of time. This process allows water to evaporate from the sample.
  4. Final Weighing: When the drying process is complete, the samples are re-weighed. This gives the final weight of the dried material.
  5. Moisture Content Calculation: The moisture content is calculated. This calculation is based on the difference between the initial weight and the final weight. The result, usually expressed as a percentage, indicates the amount of moisture contained in the material.

Importance of Humidity and Moisture Testing

Moisture and humidity testing is used as part of quality control in the production and storage of paper, board and packaging materials. Ideal moisture levels affect the strength, printability and storage time of the material. Furthermore, moisture and humidity control is essential to ensure that the material is suitable for the intended applications.

This test is also used to monitor the humidity levels of the environment in which the material is stored. Paper products in particular can be easily damaged in environments where humidity is highly variable. Maintaining optimal humidity levels can improve the durability and quality of products.

As a result, moisture and humidity testing is critical in the production, quality control and storage of paper, board and packaging materials. This test is an important tool used to determine material suitability and ensure quality.

Thickness Test

Thickness testing aims to measure the distance between two surfaces of a material. This measurement determines the thickness of the material. Especially in thin and sensitive materials, thickness is a critical factor for the functionality and performance of the product. Thickness testing is used to measure the thickness of the material and check whether it conforms to certain standards or specifications.

How is a thickness test performed?

Thickness testing is performed in the following steps:

  1. Sample Collection: Representative samples are taken for testing. These samples should be taken from different areas and levels of the material, as the thickness may not be homogeneous.
  2. Preparation of Measuring Instruments: Special measuring instruments such as micrometers or calipers are prepared and set up for thickness measurement.
  3. Making the Measurement: The thickness of the material is measured with the use of a measuring instrument. The device precisely measures the distance between the two surfaces of the material.
  4. Recording the Results: The thickness measurements for each sample are recorded. These measurements can be calculated for different areas of the material.
  5. Comparison: The thickness data obtained is compared to specific standards or specifications. It is determined whether the material meets the specified thickness requirements.

Importance of Thickness Testing

  1. Thickness testing is important to ensure that the thickness of a material is correct and meets certain requirements. Especially in the production of thin materials such as paper and cardboard, thickness can affect the quality and performance of the product.
  2. Thickness testing is also used as part of quality control. Making sure that products conform to certain thickness tolerances ensures the consistency and quality of products.
  3. As a result, thickness testing is an important test used to measure the thickness of material and check its conformity to specific requirements. This test plays a critical role in many application areas that affect product quality and performance.

Basis Weight Test

A grammage test is a test that aims to measure the surface density of a paper or paperboard. Grammage refers to the mass of paper or paperboard over a given area and is usually measured in grams. This test is used to determine the quality and properties of paper and paperboard products. Below I explain in more detail what a grammage test is and why it is important:

What is a grammage test?

Grammage refers to the mass of a sheet of paper or cardboard over a given area and is measured in grams. For example, a grammage of 100 grams/m2 (g/m2) indicates that paper on an area of 1 square meter weighs 100 grams.

The grammage test is used to determine the surface density of paper and paperboard. During the test, a specific area is measured and the mass of the paper or cardboard in this area is measured using a precision balance. The result is expressed in grams.

The Importance of Weight Testing

Grammage testing is important for assessing the quality and performance of paper and board products. Below are some important aspects of grammage testing:

  1. Quality Control: Grammage testing is used to check whether the paper or paperboard produced has a certain density. Products below or above a certain grammage may indicate quality issues.
  2. Design and Production: In the design phase, design decisions are made for products where a certain grammage is required. In the production phase, it is ensured that this weight is applied correctly.
  3. Performance: Weight can affect the durability, print quality and other performance characteristics of the paper or paperboard. The right weight ensures that the product performs according to expectations.
  4. Consumer Expectations: Consumers may expect paper or paperboard products of a certain grammage. Grammage testing determines whether products meet these expectations.

As a result, grammage testing is an important test used to determine the quality, density and performance of paper and paperboard products. This test is an essential tool for assessing whether products meet specific requirements and consumer expectations.

Paper Water Absorption Test (COBB)

The paper water absorption capacity (Cobb) test is an important test method that measures how much water a paper or paperboard absorbs over a period of time. This test is used to assess the water absorption ability and moisture stability of the material. Here is the basic principle and application of this test:

  1. Sample Preparation: A sample is taken for testing. Usually this is a piece of paper or cardboard, 10mm deep, which will be exposed to water for a specified period of time to assess its water absorption capacity.
  2. Drying of the Sample: The sample is freed from moisture and dampness for a predetermined period of time (e.g. 1 hour) and dried. This allows the initial weight of the sample to be determined.
  3. Water Bath: The dried sample is placed in a water bath at a specified water depth. The water level is usually 10 mm.
  4. Holding of the Sample: The sample is immersed in water for a specified time (e.g. 60 seconds). During this time the sample begins to absorb water.
  5. Removing the Sample: At the end of the specified time, the sample is removed from the water and excess water is gently removed from the surface, but without losing the absorbed water.
  6. Weight Measurement: The sample is weighed again and the amount of water absorbed is determined.
  7. Calculation of Results: The amount of water absorption is calculated as the difference between the initial weight and the final weight. This result shows how many grams of water the sample has absorbed in a given time period.

The paper water absorption capacity test is used to determine the suitability of paper or paperboard for printing, packaging or other applications. It is also particularly important for paper products using recycled raw materials, as such raw materials can affect water absorption properties. This test is an important tool for assessing product moisture sensitivity and performance and is widely used in quality control processes.